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"Flowers in The Windows"

Posted on February 28, 2007

It’s Blog Exchange time again.Please welcome Janet from Dancing Through.I think you’ll enjoy her Flowers in the Windows post. Before they met, she was closed up. Detached. Sad.There were many before him who took her innocence, her naiveté, her spirit.But she never gave them her heart. She never let them in.She never opened up like she did with him.She thought she was destined to live a solitary life.He changed things.
He helped her see the good in people.
He taught her the joys of a healthy relationship.
He enabled her to share her feelings. Something she has never done before.
The others never asked her.
Her feelings were deep and pure. And hers alone.
They were strong and willful. But not a soul cared.
Until him.
He stood out in…

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I’ve Come to Take You Home

Posted on February 28, 2007

Maybe it was the melancholy sun.Alone in the car I listened to the CD in the player absently, going over chores and lists in my mind. “Make the plane tickets for D.C., fold the socks, remember to buy more juice.” I heard the familiar blood-stirring melody faintly and reached over to turn up the volume. Climbin’ up on Salisibury HillI could see the city lightWind was blowin’, time stood stillEagle flew out of the night Unbidden, tears pricked the back of my eyes. Suddenly I saw London at night, laid out below me like so many loose diamonds on jeweler’s velvet. I saw my parents, walking hand in hand up Primrose Hill. I peeked inside the living room of a four-story Georgian townhouse and…

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Posted on February 28, 2007

I am on the couch with Briar in the living room. Avery is at my feet. Briar: Avery, no! No touch it. Avery: Ba. Me: It’s ok. She’s not going to touch it. Briar: No. No touch it! Avery: Ba-a-wa, ba, ya. Me: Avery, leave it alone. Briar, it’s ok. Briar: AVERY! NO TOUCH IT! Avery: Ba, ya. Me: Avery, just scoot back honey. Briar, calm down. Briar: AVERY NO TOUCH IT. Avery: Ah ba ba ba ba ba. Briar: STOP, AVERY. STOP. Me: Briar, it’s ok, trust me, mom won’t let her do it. What on earth could she be trying to keep to herself you ask? A doll? A book? A cookie? Foolish reader… AVERY, NO! DAS’A MY POOP IN MINE DIAPER.…

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Posted on February 28, 2007

Bedtime is not always the happiest time at Chez Wink. I was never good at math and the introduction of a second child, and the opposing nap and bedtime schedules therein, switched our life from arithmetic to some sort of cold fusion calcu-nometry that I am flunking. Hard core. I can’t get behind crying it out.We maxed out our co-sleeping threshold at 14 months.The relentless “one more story” and “I need to frow a big one on the potty” burn my fuse pretty fast sometimes. I try though, I really try. Tonight I was on my own since Sean went back into work. I went into it thinking I’d let it take the time it took. The tantrum before we headed up seemed to…

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