Posts tagged “politics

Can I Talk to You?

Posted on September 12, 2016

We try hard to not mess up as parents, setting out with the best of intentions. The thing is we didn’t plan for the transitions and the way it all changes, as it should, after the switch from crawling to walking, preschool to backpacks and homework. The matrix gets simpler and infinitely more complicated at once. It’s easy to miss an invitation to talk or a cry for help, like blink and you miss it easy. I’m not sure I’m getting any better at being ready for the quiet, “Mom, can we talk” questions. Between the very real effect of stress on my body and the equally real threat that they’ll stop turning to me, I have to figure out a way. I found a quote early one morning…

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Too Fast to Track, Too Late to Hope?

Posted on July 8, 2016

Time is moving with little regard for my hopes or desires. The predictable chapters of dating, marriage, first house, first baby, jobs, deaths, second baby, then third baby blur, pages racing faster than I can read or write. I didn’t imagine time would slow, but maybe I thought I could catch up to it. I was going to sign my daughter up for dance, then it was too late. “Most girls are already beyond intermediate, she’ll never catch up.” I was going to create a plan for spring outings, but the season passed. I was going to make dates with my daughters, my husband; I was going to go back to pilates. I didn’t. I haven’t. Not sure that I will. I’ve gone from saying, “I promise”…

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Young Guns

Posted on June 22, 2016

As we walked through the furniture store Finley lagged behind. I slowed my gait and listened for her, wanting to allow her the feeling of being able to go at her own pace, while also staying close enough that I didn’t lose her.   Sean and I were discussing chair colors when I saw her leaning against the wall, her lower lip was trembling. I walked over to her.   “What’s up, babe?”   She shook her head and bit her lip. I knelt down, “You ok?”   She shook her head. “What is it?”   “I was standing in the store and there was a bunny or a squirrel with a gun in its hand pointed at me,” she started to cry. We…

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I Call Bull-Sham on John Grisham

Posted on October 17, 2014

I took a Facebook break last week, something about the realization that logging on was a choice that consistently made me feel not good spurred the move. I did the same thing with the news (except for that one damn brown recluse spider story.) I cannot remember what headline made me click over to see what exactly John Grisham had said about pedophiles, but I did click. I saw his face, familiar to me from so many book jackets in our house as I grew up. He was a pulpy author, but people didn’t tend to scoff too much if you had his book in your overnight bag. I read them.   I remembered his name in the context of the actors who played roles in his…

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My Truth

Posted on November 5, 2012

Sean and I were able to go away this weekend thanks to the extraordinary help of our family in Yakima and our family here in the area. We spent 2 days and 2 nights at the Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, Vermont. It is where we spent our honeymoon 10 years ago. Back then we didn’t have kids, didn’t own a business or a home. We had loads of energy, opinions and belief in the future. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that our path back to Stowe was a little less buoyant. We still have opinions, but our energy has been flagging and our belief in the future has been somewhat hampered by our focus on the this-very-minute pace of our lives.…

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